the-wright-home e.V.

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Children own the future!

»Children need our special attention, because they are our future.«

(Sir Peter Ustinov, Ustinov Stiftung)

This quote from Sir Peter says a lot. The babies, children and youth of Phelisanong are one example for a generation which will handle the upsides and downsides of life differently. Most of them experience this kind of care and attention as an outstanding model for life in their community centre. That way they learn to pass on these values. The spirit of charity becomes alive here.

The-wright-home‘s partners of networking assume – everyone in his own way – responsibility for this future! Thank you very much!

Lesotho V P1100770 AW

Motholo Plant Nursery

Another local cooperation partner is gardening and landscaping expert N’tate Motholo.

Here you can see N'tate Motholo with Rainer Kirschnick and Lesotho's national plant the spiral aloe.

Read more about the secrets of vegetable cultivation.

Wir stärken!

Vereinssitz the-wright-home e.V., Pfnorrstr. 12, 63654 Büdingen,

VR-Bank Main-Kinzig-Büdingen    IBAN DE97 5066 1639 0001 136909     BIC GENODEF1LSR

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